Here is what you need to know about this topic and how to go about scheduling this therapy. Just in case your doctor does not have time to talk to you, do not worry; there are still ways to reduce costs and get an appointment.
Maintenance Chemotherapy For Mesothelioma - Scheduling Maintenance Chemotherapy For Mesothelioma

As with most surgeries, a patient may be at some risk on the first day. The first day is considered a "high risk" day, as the body is still adjusting to the surgery and the radiation exposure. This is why your doctor should always let you know if you are going to be at risk for complications on the first day.
Surgery for any type of illness, like cancer, is very invasive. It can be scary to watch your doctor perform a procedure that could potentially put your life in danger. This is why having someone to discuss the procedure and medications will be helpful.

Before scheduling maintenance chemotherapy for mesothelioma, ask your doctor about your options. Remember, your doctor will know what is most effective for you. Let him or her know what you would like to see, and discuss these options with them.
Your doctor will know what is the best procedure for your situation and give you a general idea about how the surgery will go. It will include the level of radiation exposure and how the patient will recover after the surgery.
This is important information because it will allow you to decide if it is worth it to you to schedule maintenance chemotherapy for mesothelioma.

Once your doctor has given you the all clear and the procedure has been discussed, it is time to get ready for the surgery. If the surgery was done by a board certified surgeon, he or she will need to take x-rays before and after the surgery. It is vital that your doctor approves of this before your surgery.
After the surgery, your surgeon will give you an infusion of medication to help speed up the healing process and prevent further damage. There are different treatments for different patients.
All surgeries should be done under a local anesthetic. When the surgery is over, your doctor will need to prescribe some pain medicine and a pain reliever to help get you back to normal as quickly as possible.
As soon as the day following surgery is reached, let your doctor know if you are going to be at risk for complications on the day after the surgery.
This is important because he or she will know the best way to go about scheduling maintenance chemotherapy for mesothelioma. The longer you wait, the more your doctor will have to spend time dealing with complications. Of course, the longer you are out of action, the more likely your recovery will be delayed.
Some patients are fortunate enough to have only a few short hospital stays and can get right back to their normal lives after the surgery. This is something to discuss with your doctor. Just remember, in this case, scheduling maintenance chemotherapy for mesothelioma is not something you want to wait on.
When it comes to the actual day of the surgery, your doctor may send you home right away, depending on how long it takes for the procedure to heal.
He or she will also have a list of the next few days and when they expect you to return to work. Again, you should let your doctor know how it is going before your surgery date.
Thereare many different hospital schedules and scheduling for surgery. You need to contact your doctor to find out what is going to work best for you. If you have any questions, speak to your doctor to make sure you are going to be okay. on the day of your surgery.

During my friend's last round of maintenance chemotherapy for mesothelioma, she went home and did not feel any pain for about a week. After the surgery, she walked right back into work and started feeling normal in three days. !