Use Of Asbestos in Homes , | You may have been exposed to asbestos while working in a construction site, or in a commercial building. If you suffer from any of the following symptoms, you should know what to do next. Keep reading. By Asbestos fibers are cancerous growths. The presence of these fibers can cause the development of many diseases, some of which are now associated with asbestos exposure. The commonest diseases are mesothelioma and lung cancer. You can also experience symptoms similar to those above. Symptoms of Mesothelioma include chest pain, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, breathing difficulties, enlarged lymph nodes, and chronic pain. These are more serious than the symptoms of asbestos exposure that may only be experienced by individuals who have worked in asbestos mining. What to Do When You Use Of Asbestos in Homes Asbestos is used extensivel...